API Reference

fieldmarshal.struct(*args, **kw)

Wrapper around attr.s.

Sets slots=True and auto_attribs=True. All other arguments are forwared to attr.s.

fieldmarshal.field(name=None, omit=False, omit_if_none=False, marshal=None, unmarshal=None, **kw)

Wrapper around attr.ib that accepts additional arguments.

Arguments that control marshalling are saved as an Options object in the fields metadata under the “fieldmarshal” key. See Options for the meaning of these parameters.

class fieldmarshal.Hook(fn: Any, takes_args: bool = True)

Container for marshal or unmarshal hooks.

  • fn (callable) – Marshal hook

  • takes_args (bool) – Whether or not fn takes additional arguments

When takes_args is True (the default), additional arguments will be passed to the hook. The type of arguments depends on the type of hook. See Registry.add_marshal_hook() and Registry.add_unmarshal_hook() for details.

class fieldmarshal.Options(name: str = None, omit: bool = False, omit_if_none: bool = False, marshal: Any = None, unmarshal: Any = None)

Field options control how a field is marshalled/unmarshalled.

  • name (str) – Rename the field when marshalling/unmarshalling. Useful for example for JSON attribute names that are not valid Python identifiers.

  • omit (bool) – Ignore the field for the purpose of marshalling/unmarshalling. The field value will neither be read nor written to. The field should also have a default value for the class to support unmarshalling.

  • omit_if_none (bool) – Omit the field when marshalling if it’s value is None. When unmarshalling, the field will be read as normal.

  • marshal (callable) – A function to call to marshal the contents of this field. The function will be passed the field value as its only argument. This hook overrides other marshal hooks registered for the field’s type.

  • unmarshal (callable) – A function to call to unmarshal data for this field. The function will be passed the data being unmarshalled as its only argument. This hook overrides other unmarshal hooks registered for the field’s type.

For fieldmarshal to recognize these options, put the object into the field’s metadata dict under the “fieldmarshal” key, or use the field() helper in place of attr.s.

class fieldmarshal.Registry

Create a registry instance.

A registry is used for marshalling and unmarshalling objects, and for registering hooks for types that are not handled natively.

add_marshal_hook(type_, fn)

Add a custom marshal implementation for a type.

The hook can either be a function that takes one argument (the object being marshalled), or a Hook object, which can be used to opt-in to receive the registry instance as an additional argument.

The hook should return a JSON-compatible object. The hook will be called when an object of type type_ is encountered when marshalling. The hook will also be used for instances of subclasses of type_, unless a more specific hook can be found.

add_unmarshal_hook(type_, fn)

Add a custom unmarshal implementation for a type.

type_ can be a class or a concrete type from the typing module, such as Union[list, str]. The hook can either be a function that takes one argument (the object being unmarshalled), or a Hook object, which can be used to opt-in to receive the type the object is being unmarshalled to and the registry instance as additional arguments. The type passed this way is not necessarily the type the hook was registered for (it could be a subclass, for example).

The hook will be called when data needs to be marshalled to an object of type type_. If type_ is a class, the hook will also be used for unmarshalling to subclasses of type_, unless a more specific hook can be found.


Clear all caches of the registry.

This should not be necessary unless classes are modified at runtime.


Return the marshal implementation objects of type cls.

lookup_unmarshal_impl(cls, type_hint)

Return the implementation and resolved type for unmarshalling data of type cls to an object of type type_int.

The resolved type is the same as type_hint, except for union types, where it is one of the members of the union.


Marshal an object to a JSON-compatible data structure.

The resulting data structure contains only objects of type list, dict (with string keys), int, float, str, bool or NoneType and can be converted to JSON without further modifications.

Raises MarshalError if an object is encountered that cannot be marshalled.

The reverse operation is unmarshal().


Marshal an object to a JSON string.

Like marshal(), but converts the result to JSON.

unmarshal(obj, type_hint)

Unmarshal an object from a JSON-compatible data structure.

The data structure must contain only objects of type list, dict (with str keys), int, float, str, bool or NoneType, such as returned by marshal().

type_hint specifies the type of object to create. This can be a class or a concrete type from the typing module, such as List[int].

Raises UnmarshalError if the data cannot be unmarshalled to the desired type.

The reverse operation is marshal().

unmarshal_json(data, type_hint)

Unmarshal an object from a JSON string.

Like unmarshal(), but accepts a data in JSON format.


Standalone version of Registry.marshal() that uses the default registry.


Standalone version of Registry.marshal_json() that uses the default registry.


Standalone version of Registry.unmarshal() that uses the default registry.


Standalone version of Registry.unmarshal_json() that uses the default registry.